Friday, December 16, 2016

To the Body of Christ: Does My Conversion Create a Great Controversy for You?

  • Are you baffled about what Christ has done for me?
  • Are you so skeptical about my conversion that you not only question Christ, but you also doubt Christ’s ability to save and transform the lives of whomever he chooses?
  • What do you think? That my conversion is only a trap in order to gain access to members within the Body of Christ?
And yet, I have not committed no evil. Only the sins of my past, which I have repented, died to self for, and nailed them to the cross, which has granted me my rightful place within the protected walls of God’s Kingdom. But you still deny me access to which Christ has called me! You question! You doubt! You murmur among yourself. And deny the holiness in which I walk. Why?
  • Is it that you see yourself greater than Christ?


It is not up to man to divert the will of God by means of his lack of knowledge, his lack of understanding, and his inadequate wisdom. Is it not the case that only God knows all things? Knowing this, if you were genuinely seeking God for insight and wisdom in regards to my case, God would have revealed to you – this is my servant whom I have approved. Instead, you have chosen to believe your own lies.

Your confusion is of your own demise. You self-centered and selfish hypocrites, who think the power is yours to not only judge the unrighteous, but also the righteous. Although, you know, there is only one judge, you choose to omit and deny his ability to take what is unclean and make it clean (James 4:12). And yet, you cannot see that it is you yourselves who are unclean. Your hands are filled with filth. But for some of you, your hands are full of the blood of the saints, whom you have destroyed with your wickedness, lies and deceit. Because you can only see in the dark, but are blinded by the light.

Lola Olson


I say, wash your hands clean and make them pure again. Submit yourself to the mighty hands of the Lord. Stop calling unclean, what God has called clean. For it is a victory when someone of my nature has been won over to the Lord. Yet, there is no celebration in God’s House because you have sealed the lips of the saints and encouraged them to separate themselves from the saved. Is that not the complete opposite of what God’s word illuminates? For even the angels in heaven shout with a loud praise when one of these one’s have been saved (Luke 15:7-10). So why do you remain silent?

If the Apostle Paul, who was known as Saul, a murderer of Christians, can be converted to one of the most prominent positions within the Body of Christ, why are you not motivated to receive these one’s home?

There are millions that are standing at heaven’s gate, waiting to come into God’s House. But, you stand on the opposite side with great force, refusing to allow the gates to be opened. And God watches with great outrage. For, he has snatched millions of souls out of the lifestyle of homosexuality, and hidden them away in his heart. So you cannot come and take away their new found zeal towards Christ.

Despite your obsession to destroy their hope, GOD IS THE ULITMATE JUDGE. A God of justice. Therefore, the day is coming, and it is not far off, that he will remove you from your high places, and throw you outside to the dogs and wolves, where they will have their feast. They will tear you to pieces for your murderous ways. On that day, he will open heaven’s gates, and they will rain down from their hidden places, into the House of the Lord, wearing their royal attire. For they will be cleansed from their debauchery. And they all will sing in one accord.

The Lord has saved us from the hands of the lion.
He has destroyed his evil plans.
He has acted justifiably on my behalf.
He has saved me from myself.


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