There Are Times When I Struggle
My Testimony
If there is one thing God has taught me through my experience— is do not keep secrets. Many times He has told me, in many different ways, if I am struggling, shed light on it. If I am being tempted, talk about it. And to never overly worry about who knows, what they think or concern about their judgmental views because I am willing to talk openly and honestly about my challenges. For God’s word says it is by one’s testimony that we are able to be victorious by means of the blood of the Lamb. Revelation 12:11 says
And they have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony
It Is A Protection
God encourages each one of us to declare what He has done for us (Psalm 66:13-20). For when I am willing to publicly proclaim my challenges, it is a protection for me. And for those who encounter my truth, it helps them to endure, to keep pressing forward. And yet, there are times when I forget that. That my public declaration of my tussle with my flesh, is a protection. When I do forget, God politely reminds me of the days of my youth. I noted the following words one evening from my Father as He spoke to my brokenness.
“To keep silent about your temptation after being delivered only sets yourself up for failure. Remember the days of your youth. Secrecy almost took you to an early grave. But, through it all, I was there. Providing you an escape at your darkest hours. Do not keep quiet. Speak up my daughter. Shed light on this darkness. Show others how to walk this thing out. Unmask the lies. Tear down strongholds. And shut the mouth of the lion.”
Melissa A. Fabello |
God Is GlorifiedTo be honest, who wants to talk about their dirt while they are in it? Who wants to expose any struggles or temptations they may be having? I do! For I have learned that when I shine light on the darkness to help myself and others — God is glorified. When I speak about the things that are trying to overtake me, true and righteous Brothers and Sisters will come running to be by my side. To pray over my Spirit and broken soul. In order to strengthen me and help me to endure. As God’s word says, when I am weak, then I am strong” (2 Corinthians 12:8-10). It is by means of the power of God that enables us to overcome our weakness (2 Corinthians 13:3-5). Our declaration, your proclamation, my testimony is a protection from yourself and from the wicked one.
When I surrendered my life years ago and committed myself to do whatever God ask of me, I meant it. Now, I have to be honest, I did not know He would ask me to be such an open book. Yet, each time I share a piece of me in private or in the public eyes, I find that it brings about healing to my brokenness. And it takes away more of Satan’s power and all those who try to use my past against me.
I am laughing at myself because God has placed it on my heart to share a recent struggle I had. For a minute, I was quiet about it. I was trying to deal with it along. I found myself praying over the matter over and over again with great frustration. Bragging God to take it away.
I couldn’t understand it. This lust I was experiencing towards a certain individual came from nowhere and caught me off guard. I am at the peak in my worship to God. I have rid any and everything from my past. Due to my brief period of temptation, some will have you to believe that my wrestle with flesh from time to time, must mean, that’s who I am. Anyone that believes that or preaches that is reading from the wrong Bible or not reading it at all. For God’s word says two beautiful things about creation. We all are created in God’s image, which gives us the ability to reflect His noble qualities (Genesis 1:27). Yet, we are sinners. We all fall short of God’s glorious standard (Romans 3:23). Any one of us can get caught up in sexual sin, worship idols, commit adultery, practice homosexuality, steal, lie, cheat, etc. (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). But, even sinners can be made clean and holy in God’s eyes. I love the words found at 1 Corinthians 6:11. Despite the fact, if any of us fall into the trap of any of the sins mentioned at 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, there is always a way out. ALWAYS! A permanent exit, if you want it. Verse 11 says, SOME OF YOU WERE ONCE LIKE THAT. Meaning it is in my past.
Then I remember that Satan is the god of confusion. And he is always planning his next set up, in order to prove that no human can be faithful to God. I remember that I am born into sin. Therefore, this flesh is always looking for the next high to satisfy itself. I live in a world that floods my perception with its ungodliness. This world is designed to arouse all five of my senses, in hope to get me to fall prey to my fleshly desires. I am surrounded by temptation day and night. All the time. It is practically impossible to avoid it.
Therefore, the key to overcoming any temptations or strongholds and maintain your freedom (i.e. deliverance) is applying what Joseph did as a young man. REFUSE! Refuse to do or engage in the things that is displeasing to God (Genesis 39:8-9).
So, in keeping my promise (my word) to God, I must be obedient and let Him use me as He sees fit. So, I will continue to share my story with honesty and great details as God directs me. For I have nothing to hide or be ashamed of, for it is God who walks alongside me, despite my weaknesses.
Kelly Givens |
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