Saturday, September 5, 2015

...The web of homosexuality but also... the unrepented Spirit of the Church

Billy Sunday

It is Christ who has authorized me to speak truth not only to those who are caught in the web of homosexuality but also to the unrepented Spirit of the Church.    

For like Paul, many may know what I was like when I once lived that life. I fought vigorously for the cause, which I believed. And there were none who were able to outwit me. For I zealously persecuted and out debated any who refuse to submit to my line of thinking. As Paul stated, I did my best to destroy them (Galatians 1:13).

Yet, at my conversion, no Christian came and rescued me. For they had thrown me away, labeling me as unworthy, a lost cause, a soul not worth saving. But God saw different from the flesh of men. It was He that lifted the blinders from my eyes. It was He who paralyzed my soul and renewed my Spirit and showed me through visions what a wretch I was because I persecuted in ignorance. It was He that reversed the engine that fumed me and changed my direction. Taking that same engine and energy and increase its power under a new inspiration. Turning my weapon of destruction to a weapon of construction. He did this for me without human efforts (vv. 15-17).

What a radical change Christ has done in me and no man can take the credit, nor destroy the path which he is sending me - for I have been set apart for a special task for his glory.

So I have come to appreciate this quiet time with God. A time He has chosen to hide me from the destructive hands of Satan and instruments the devil attempts to use outside and inside the Church to destroy my hope, my direction, my purpose. I am learning to treasure these precious moments with God as He hides me from the public eyes to grow, groom and cultivate me to a deeper faith. A faith that is fearless of the attacks of the devil no matter what source he uses. A faith that is grounded and deeply rooted on the dependency of God and not the fickle minds of men. So now I understand that the only source of authority I need to preach the truth to the gays and lesbians and the unrepented Spirit of the Church is God.

So, Father, I pray in the glorious name of Jesus that by His Spirit that YOU send out this book YOU have birth in and out of me to do what YOU purpose it to do!

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  • That parents will see their shortcomings and contributions in their children's lives that have chosen this lifestyle. That the parents of these children will repent and look to You for guidance and direction. (See chapters 4, 5 and 6 in my book).
  • That the Church will repent and show mercy by fulfilling their God-given commission (Matthews 28:16-20). (See chapters 7 and 9 in my book).
  • That the LGBT community will stop comparing whom God really is by the reaction of the Church to their sins. That my story will bring them to the end of themselves and they will see that hope and deliverance is possible and available, if you really want it.




Certa Publishing

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