Monday, September 28, 2015


DAY 16- 5k TRAINING: It is nice to see the pounds fall off. But, my favorite thing about my morning run - is experiencing God along the way. 

I have not run in the rain in a long time. It is one of the most relaxing experience. It just amazes me how He knows what I need and when exactly I need it. His willingness to open up the heavens to show me favor is just inspiring. 

#Relaxation #MorningRun #FeelHisPresence #FloodGatesOfHeaven #LetItRain

Achievement: 0.86 mi @run5k session

Sunday, September 27, 2015

"We've given up everything to follow you." Everything! Everything....

I am committed to this calling, no matter the sacrifice. For it has taken me 30 years plus to learn that no one, nor myself, have the right answers to bring out peace, security or happiness in their own lives. 

Like others, I tried to find and fill it through family, friends, marriage, lovers, my children, academics, myself and career. But I have finally found wisdom in the wise words of King Soloman - "everything is meaningless, like chasing the wind" (Ecclesiastes 1:14). For one can gain wealth, power and prestige, but "what do people get for all their hard work under the sun?" (Ecclesiastes 1:3) It all mounts down to one thing, it is like chasing the wind (Ecclesiastes 1:17).

My Pastor, David Chadwick said something today that brought me to tears. He quoted from Mark 10:28, when Peter said to Jesus, "We've given up everything to follow you." Everything! Everything. How profound is that? To give up chasing the whirlwind of life to follow Christ.

Yet, I have taken the same vow, made the same commitment to Christ as Peter. I've given up everything - my professional pursuits, my search for greater wisdom, lesbianism, walked away from many friendships - all in pursuit of one man - Jesus Christ.

Then my Pastor asked this question to the congregation as he quoted Peter in response to his sacrifices. "What will we get?" (Matthew 19:27) I never give any thought to such question before, but now I am pondering it. "Father! What do I get?"

It made me realize, after all is said and done, that I could lose many family members. Simply because of my willingness to be faithful to Christ - because I have agreed to fulfill my commission by writing this book, Surrendering: A Blueprint of My Life. It was at that moment, it was like Christ himself came down from his throne and spoke directly to me as my Pastor read these words at Mark 10:29, 30. "Truly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or lands, FOR MY SAKE AND FOR THE GOSPEL, who will not receive a hundredfold now in this time houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands with persecutions, and in the age to come eternal life" (ESV).

I could not compose myself. Because at that moment, I knew, no matter what I have voluntarily given up or people or things I will lose during this season, God has already provided me something greater. How much I needed those words today to keep pressuring forward.

#InstrumentForChrist #MyLifeIsNotMyOwn #YouCanUseMe #IGiveMyselfAway #KingdomWork #Sacrifice #ToJesusIBelong

Monday, September 21, 2015

...After more than 30 years after my childhood abuse that wrecked the lives of my family....

For the first time, after more than 30 years after my childhood abuse, that wrecked the lives of my family, my mother honestly poured her heart out to me. For the first time, she has expressed her pain, sorrow and angry. I got to say some things to my mother I thought I would never be able to express and witness my best friend provide her comfort she desperately needs. Glory be to God.

I have to admit, if God didn't push me to write my book, Surrendering: A Blueprint of My Life, I don't think our conversation this evening would have never taken placed. Thank you, God! This book has open doors that I thought could never be open and is helping my family to heal from our brokenness together.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Based on True Events - Characteristics of Murmuring, Complaining and Self-centeredness,

Based on True Events

A Lesson from Christ. This lesson is based on actual events. A Christian is struggling with the characteristics of murmuring, complaining and self-centeredness, to the point that Jesus has decided to use another servant to address and correct the matter. Below are the events being told by the sister whom God used to teach a moral lesson.

Sundays are my Sabbath day – my day of rest. I used my Sabbath day to watch either Christian or animated movies. Usually, ABC plays the best of animated movies all day, which I was in the mood to watch. But no luck this Sunday. I guess because of football season. Disappointed, I decided to flip through the channels to see what else I could find. As I’m flipping, my mind decides to playback a conversation I had with a close friend after church service. At some point, she interrupted our conversation about the wonderful message Pastor David Chadwick gave and asked me would I pray for her. She finally admitted she knows she has been murmuring and complaining about the people at her job. She just did not know how to stop this habit she has developed.

As I am flipping through the channels, I bypassed the movie, Finding Normal twice by Pure Flix. I have seen that movie at least three times already and I was not in the mood for real life comedy, I wanted separation from real life stuff and escape into the world of animation. But then I felt in my Spirit, this urge to watch it. So I went back a few channels and lay on my soft red leather couch to enjoy a movie I did not want to watch.

(A scene in the movie) - At some point, Doc Shelby approaches Dr. Lisa Leland and explains to her the difference between his avocation (what he is skilled to do) and vocation (his true calling). I listened to the profoundness in the lesson he is teaching her, I heard the Spirit said to me, you are missing the point, go back. So I pressed rewind on the remote control. But it won’t rewind. Then I realized I was watching cable TV. The Spirit spoke again and said, child, look it up on Netflix. I laughed at myself and grabbed my Mac. After listening to that section of the movie twice, the Spirit instructed me to grab my pen and notebook and write down this section in my notebook, but I would need to make three adjustments to it. So I did as I was told. Then the Spirit told me to read Mark 5:1-20. So I did as I was told. Then the Spirit said to me to write down exactly what I am about to say. So I did. Finally, the Spirit instructed me to go to this Christian sister and tell her everything the Spirit had shared with me. So I asked, but what do I say. The only thing the Spirit said to me was, “I will instruct you how and the order in which to say things upon your arrival.

As I got near to my Christian sister, I prayed, “Please arrive before I do and put her in the right Spirit. Make sure the right personality is present upon my arrival.”

I sat down to share with my Christian sister what had happened and why I was there to speak with her. She looked intently and intrigued. I first explained the difference between her avocation and vocation. I reminded her when she shows up to work every day, she never takes off her vocation (true calling – serving others through kingdom work). Then I explained to her that I was going to read something from the movie, Finding Normal, but with a twist, a slight change in three areas. Here is how it was read.

(Doc Shelby says the following to Dr. Lisa Leland; name has been changed) – Tiffany, I would like to challenge your experience if I could. With all due respect, I like to submit, if you accept a patient or the world [meaning people (added content for purpose of moral lesson)] into your care, manage their symptoms, alleviate their pain, extend their days to the full extent of your art. Yet, if you leave them sad, alone, in fear of death, due to your murmuring, complaining, self-centeredness temperament and lack of love (added content), then you have not reached your fullest potential.

The Spirit told me to have her to read Mark 5:1-20. Then have her to explain to me how she thought she fit into the lesson. As she was reading the verses to me, at the bottom of my notebook paper, the Spirit told me, “Write that down and now add this. Write that down too, but put this instead.” So I did as I was told. She proceeded to explain to me how she saw herself in the lesson. The Spirit yelled out “Wrong!” I could feel the Spirit lean in close and whisper softly in my left ear, now read back to her what you wrote at the bottom of your notebook. So I read…

"Those who have on chains are your co-workers. Satan has them chained and in his possession and control. But your job hired you because God sent you there on assignment. We are all on assignment in our workplace. Life pressures, their own poor choices, their sin nature, etc. has driven many of your co-workers to live a life of insanity. Your job or vocation is to act upon Jesus behalf and bring these people back to sanity. But, upon your arrival, the demons immediately recognized who you are. Although, you cannot see them, they know you have arrived there to interfere in their business. So to keep you from fulfilling your assignment, they have tricked you into focusing on your weakness – your complaining, murmuring and self-centered spirit, instead of your calling. As long as they can keep you focus on your co-workers’ insanity, you will be frustrated and full of yourself that you would spend more time complaining and murmuring than doing what you were called there to do.

Then I heard the Spirit said “Shhh.” So I did as I was told. For about 30 seconds, there was quietness and my Christian sister was taking in what all was said. Then the Spirit said, “Read that last paragraph on your paper.” So I said to my Christian sister, what I am about to read is a message from the Father to you. And these are His exact words.

Tiffany, you are not possessed by a demon, but you are enslaved, captive by your past – things you have observed from your childhood. You have developed a habit of dominating others through your complaining and murmuring spirit. You don’t need any casting out of demons to be freed from this spirit that have you captive. You simply need to choose to set yourself free. Until you do, you will never reach your fullest potential. The “I” that I keep reminding you that you lack – “I” means investing in others, is hindering you from reaching your fullest potential. You need to accept your true calling by serving others on the job, in the streets and in your home. You have not accepted this calling in your heart as of yet. Therefore, you have not reached your fullest potential in God’s Kingdom.

Now that I fully understand what God did through me, we both sat there speechless – in silence. I said a few more words that were encouraging. Then I got up, grabbed my bible and left while my Christian sister sat there in stillness.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Leaders Never Fit In

I am learning that leaders never fit in. Because their path requires them to be and function under a higher calling. Leaders don't think like the average person. Therefore, their path is different; their life is different; their walk is different; their calling is different; their cut is different; and their circle is extremely small. 

Now I understand. Now I see the light. Now there is clarity.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

"...Surrendering: A Blueprint of My Life offers the LGBT community an even better way."

A stimulating story that will transform lives of gays and lesbians. Surrendering: A Blueprint of My Life will help change many people's perspective and heal countless hearts. Learn more, visit

Saturday, September 12, 2015

My War Room

"This is where I do my fighting. I call this my War Room." - Miss Clara aka Karen Abercrombie

Thank you Miss Clara, for helping me to see my prayers at work. This is a great idea and is building my confidence in my pray life.

#‎Pray‬ ‪#‎Victory‬ ‪#‎Battle‬ ‪#‎WarRoom‬ ‪#‎GodAlmighty‬

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Our minds are blown! Deaidre Newby's book, Surrendering: A Blueprint of My Life, has reached several Book Scouts and Book Reviewers. After reviewing her book, her phone is blowing off the hook. Here's what one Book Scot said concerning her book.
Kamby Management Group, LLC
Garry Norman of Litfire Publishing - "Your book fits today's market and we would love to represent you and your book. It is a great book with great material. I am very confident in the potential of your book. It has a captivating title that is deserved to be exposed to an international platform."
Glory to be to God is all I can say. For more information, visit

Monday, September 7, 2015

"You Are My Hero" - Barbara McCray

How does one response when your mother refers to you as her hero? You don't. You are left speechless and praise God.

Not sure who is the original creature of artwork -
Pablo Galanakis or The Happy Sorceress

Saturday, September 5, 2015

...The web of homosexuality but also... the unrepented Spirit of the Church

Billy Sunday

It is Christ who has authorized me to speak truth not only to those who are caught in the web of homosexuality but also to the unrepented Spirit of the Church.    

For like Paul, many may know what I was like when I once lived that life. I fought vigorously for the cause, which I believed. And there were none who were able to outwit me. For I zealously persecuted and out debated any who refuse to submit to my line of thinking. As Paul stated, I did my best to destroy them (Galatians 1:13).

Yet, at my conversion, no Christian came and rescued me. For they had thrown me away, labeling me as unworthy, a lost cause, a soul not worth saving. But God saw different from the flesh of men. It was He that lifted the blinders from my eyes. It was He who paralyzed my soul and renewed my Spirit and showed me through visions what a wretch I was because I persecuted in ignorance. It was He that reversed the engine that fumed me and changed my direction. Taking that same engine and energy and increase its power under a new inspiration. Turning my weapon of destruction to a weapon of construction. He did this for me without human efforts (vv. 15-17).

What a radical change Christ has done in me and no man can take the credit, nor destroy the path which he is sending me - for I have been set apart for a special task for his glory.

So I have come to appreciate this quiet time with God. A time He has chosen to hide me from the destructive hands of Satan and instruments the devil attempts to use outside and inside the Church to destroy my hope, my direction, my purpose. I am learning to treasure these precious moments with God as He hides me from the public eyes to grow, groom and cultivate me to a deeper faith. A faith that is fearless of the attacks of the devil no matter what source he uses. A faith that is grounded and deeply rooted on the dependency of God and not the fickle minds of men. So now I understand that the only source of authority I need to preach the truth to the gays and lesbians and the unrepented Spirit of the Church is God.

So, Father, I pray in the glorious name of Jesus that by His Spirit that YOU send out this book YOU have birth in and out of me to do what YOU purpose it to do!

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  • That parents will see their shortcomings and contributions in their children's lives that have chosen this lifestyle. That the parents of these children will repent and look to You for guidance and direction. (See chapters 4, 5 and 6 in my book).
  • That the Church will repent and show mercy by fulfilling their God-given commission (Matthews 28:16-20). (See chapters 7 and 9 in my book).
  • That the LGBT community will stop comparing whom God really is by the reaction of the Church to their sins. That my story will bring them to the end of themselves and they will see that hope and deliverance is possible and available, if you really want it.




Certa Publishing

Friday, September 4, 2015

Spear Throwers

I have a lot of spear throwers in my life, even some who serve the Father. Yet, I am reminded of King David. Saul constantly threw spears at David to prevent David from fulfilling his Divine calling. Nevertheless, David never threw a single spear back at Saul. I get it, but Lord, I am tired of ducking. #IJS (1 Samuel 18:10, 11, 12a, 17, 20-25; 1 Samuel 19:1, 9, 10, 11-16; 1 Samuel 20:33).

Marco (I Am A Child blog)