Someone recently asked me, how did I learn to hear God’s voice? I gave two simple answers.
1. I didn’t do anything special. Initially, I didn’t even pray to hear His voice. I really didn’t know God had an interest to communicate directly with and to me.
2. Looking back, I have learned God was always talking. I just did not know how to recognize God’s voice from all the other noises and voices I was hearing. I had to first learn to identify God’s distinct voice from my own and others (both positive and negative voices).
Although the woman with whom I was speaking appreciate the answer I gave, I can tell she was not satisfied. Maybe even disappointed by my response. She was looking for something deeper than the surface answer I provided. So, I asked her could I share my personal experience when I heard God’s voice for the very first time? With her eyes widen, she said firmly – “Yes!”
I told her I shared this account in my first book and can only remember sharing it once in the past in a group setting. This encounter happened shortly after my first God encounter and first miracle experience, which I did not credit God for because I could not see His hands moving in my life at the time. I didn’t understand God the way I understand Him now.
This second major God encounter/second miracle happened shortly after I committed to turning my life around and to stop living the debauched life I was living. I was the prodigal daughter who needed to return to the Father and get right with Him.
I was living in Matthew, North Carolina at the time. I was home alone sitting at my dining room table researching something on my Mac. Usually, I always have the television or music playing for background noise so it would not feel I’m home alone. But on this day, I did not turn on the television nor music. It was quiet, other than the typing of my fingers on my keyboard.
Then out of nowhere. I heard a voice come from behind me that said, “share your story.” It was so clear that it sounded like another person was in the room with me. It startled me that I turned around to look. Which I don’t know why I did that because I knew I was home alone and nothing was behind me but the kitchen.
Not knowing what to make of it, I went back to my search. Then that same voice spoke again. This time it approached me from the front right side and said, “tell your story.” I looked up and you can imagine the look that was on my face.
I sat there for a minute, confused. But at some point, I went back to my search. Then that same voice appeared a third time. But this time from the front left side and repeated, “share your story.”
This randomly went on for weeks in the same pattern, quoting the same two phrases – “share your story” and “tell your story.” It was driving me crazy. I really thought I was losing my mind because I was always home alone, sitting in quietness each time it happened. So, to correct the situation, I made sure to always have the TV and or the music on at all times when I was home alone. But at some point, that didn’t matter. This voice just spoke over the background noise in the same pattern. From behind, from the front right side, and from the front left side, repeating the same two phrases – “share your story” and “tell your story.”
It finally reached a point of climate for me, becoming too much for me to bear that I had to tell someone or get some help. So, I approached my best friend with this statement. “I think I’m losing my mind.” She looked at me puzzled and asked, “why, what’s wrong?” Not sure how she would react, I stumbled with my words in trying to explain to her about this voice I was hearing and what it kept repeating to me. At some point, she looks at me and smiles. I did not understand what was so amusing about what I was sharing. Irritated by her reaction as she listened, I finally said to her. “I don’t think this is funny. This is serious. I’m losing it!”
Then she said what I thought was the craziest thing I have ever heard. She said, “Deaidre. That is God trying to speak with you. He is trying to get your attention. You should listen to what He has to say and ask Him what He wants you to share, to tell?”
That opened up a whole new dialogue between my best friend and I. But, it also opened the door to a beautiful and loving God and Father I never really knew.
Over time, I would hit and miss in identifying God’s voice from others. But, today, no one cannot convince me I don’t know my Father’s voice when He speaks to me. I hear Him clearly and I move accordingly. Accordingly, to His requests, His urging, and His divine will.
The woman that I was speaking seemed to be satisfied with the experienced I shared, although I still do not know the reason behind her inquiry.
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