Wednesday, July 26, 2017

This Is Senseless

Dag! That one string. When you had the privilege to share your story with a woman who is living the homosexual lifestyle. She was opened to having discussions, and you were anticipating those opportunities. But, only to later receive word that her life has come to an end. No words man. No words. 

Just motivation why we got to get these films right, and the Church needs to reach down deep inside of themselves and decide what is more important here. Lord Father give us the  strength to do this right. And vindicate so many who have been overlooked, stepped over and just left to carry too much by themselves. Open the Church's eyes and heart Father. This is senseless. Plain senseless. This is not Your way. It isn't! 

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Our Story Coming To Film

4 women. 4 films. 4 Christ. Stay tune for more details coming soon.   
Toya Black
#Route2Film       #KambyManagementGroup      #ThroneRoomProductionz       #Psalmz    
#Feliciacrawfordministry      #Michellede      #ToyaBlack     #HerStoryAndHerStory

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Fallen Into Place

The pieces are fallen into place. New music. New film. New book. And another new product line. God is good, when you are faithful.

To keep up and receive the latest updates, follow one or more of our social media pages or visit Kamby Management Group, LLC.

An upcoming music documentary that will tie back into the life I once lived (homosexuality). The 3 films above are music documentaries surrounding new music written by Felicia Crawford, who also once lived as a lesbian, and myself, expressing our struggles to live the homosexual lifestyle, and our battle to have a relationship with Christ. Following these 3 music documentaries is the finale featured film that will tell the full story from beginning to end - featuring music from George Williams, Michelle De (me), Felicia Crawford and other artists.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

I've Been Racking My Brain

I've been racking my brain ever since this sister and I had this conversation yesterday. Trying desperately to remember the many events and conversations we had shared. Simply to remember her.

2 years I shared with this woman, and it is obvious in the manner which she spoke, and the details she shared, we were close. The time we spent together meant a lot to her because she recalled so much. I could hear the disappointment and confusion in her voice when she admitted she couldn't understand why we stopped communicating. I just dropped off the face of the earth with no explanation or good-bye. A pattern I would follow for many years to come after our friendship. And here she is sitting in my home, sharing my stories, joyful stories of my past that I can't recollect.

A little over 18 years ago, this woman and I played a significant role in each others' lives, and I'm upset because I only can draw upon one blurry memory. Then in my frustration I hear this gentle voice in the distance that caution me to not focus so much on our past, but be attentive to the reason God has brought us back together in the present and in our future. I get that.

Within hours since our conversation, which lasted over 2 hours, I have reached back out to my dear sister and apologized for how I wronged her, and my failure for messing up obviously what could have been a timeless great friendship. It was reassuring to me that she accepted my apology and reassured me she NOW understands. She has closure. Something I don't know if I will ever have because too many years have been lost to lost memories.

Surrendering A Blueprint Of My Life
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