Warning Message for Susan Cottrell
I will confess. When God revealed to me two weeks ago the content of this month's Assumption, I wasn't shocked, but I was very nervous about giving it. In the past, God has revealed to me certain things about people and certain Christian leaders and their mindset and circumstances. He has even used me to give a word of encouragement or rebuke to individuals in private. But this is the first time, God has instructed me to openly give a direct warning message to a specific person before many.
As I'm typing, my heart is racing. And I will admit I was looking for an escape clause to not give this word. However, my Father in heaven reminded me of the scriptures I have been reading over and over for the past several weeks. Over a month ago, the Holy Spirit led me to Ezekiel 2 and 3. I have been reading these chapters repetitively for over a month. So much so that I have begun to feel I am joined at the hip with the Prophet Ezekiel.
But it is today, as I write out this month's Assumption, that I better understand why I was connecting with Ezekiel's words in chapter 2.
Mike Bennett |
3 I am sending you to the nation... a rebellious nation that has rebelled against me.
4 They are a stubborn and hard-hearted people. But I am sending you to say to them, 'This is what the Sovereign LORD says!"
6 Do not fear them or their words. Don't be afraid even though their threats surround you like nettles and briers and stinging scorpions. Do not be dismayed by their dark scowls....
7 You must give them my messages whether they listen or not.
Those words, as well as others in chapters 2 and 3 of Ezekiel, have infused my spirit. That despite the words I am about to speak is a hard message to a specific leader within the LGBT community, I am at peace with them because I know they are not my own, but they originate from the Father - a warning.
I hope and pray that Susan Cottrell of Freed Hearts Ministries does not take this as a personal attack against her, her character and the wonderful woman that I have learned her to be through conversations. However, the Father holds several things against her. Since she has chosen a way that has taken her away from the purpose and call He has on her life. He has waited patiently for her to correct her steps. But out of a guilty heart, in her dealings with her own children, she has refused and ignored the questions she has even brought up in her own heart and those He have
Good News Productions, International and College Press Publishing Co |
sent her. So now, the hour has come where she has given Him no choice. She has denounced Him by her course of action. She is making claims to be His servant, but in her actions, are causing confusion among those He has sent her to reach. Because she continually takes a public stance that is not of God. He must address this issue publicly.
I pray that she receives this warning with grace and set aside her pride. And that she repents and corrects her steps so that her place in heaven may be restored.
Cottrell's case is before a just God. Who because of His grace, mercy and love is beseeching the court on her behalf. Appealing to the court of heaven before the Almighty Judge renders His final verdict. For she has stepped to the left, instead of stepping to the right. In order to cover her shame from decisions her own progenies have made. As a result, her failures to provide protection and a safe place for them have led to their demise. Instead of correcting her ways, as well as, theirs, she has chosen to justify their sins by taking a stand on the side of sin. And her sin has reached the nostril of the Judge of Judges with great displeasure. For not only has her path taken her and her children down a road of death, but she has converted the truth for a lie. She has allowed a demonic spirit to enter into her heart and planted and sown this spirit's seed of doubt with great intensity into others.
But it is the God of the heavens, who have the authority to grant her mercy and deliver her from the hands of the devil. But, she must choose this day whom she will serve.
John Piper |
REPENT! REPENT from your sins - teaching teachings that are not of God by encouraging some members of the LGBT community to continue in their sins by doubting and denying the power of God. Your claims are untrue. Cottrell stated to me, "God pulled you out of being a homosexual (correct me if I'm wrong about that). While I do cartwheels for you! I cannot give that message to my readers, because many, many have been promised that if they stick with it and believe God for it, God will deliver them. And they are bitterly disappointed and felt like failures when that didn't happen.
It's something like someone delivered from cancer, or receiving some other miraculous healing, and then holding that out as the best plan for everyone. But as you know (at least with healing), it DOESN'T happen for everyone. (I'm not comparing homosexuality to caner, just that the hope for "deliverance" is similar.) -- Susan Cottrell
Where does God make such claims in His word? Where does He deny anyone healing and deliverance who sincerely seeks Him? For the Father is a Redeemer and is seeking the souls of all to repent and draw near to Him (Ephesians 1:7, 2 Peter 3:9, James 4:8).
For Mrs. Cottrell knows, there is nothing impossible with God. And she also knows
Robert Henderson Ministries |
that God is a God of mercy and grace that He grants mere man the free will to choose if one wants to be freed and delivered from their sins. He grants one to choose for himself or herself if one is willing to take the needed steps to endure whatever things they must in order to ascertain their freedom from sin and death. But Mrs. Cottrell teaches and promotes that God sometimes fail us (See Romans 3). Not true! For His word testifies that He is always faithful and true (Romans 3:3-4; 2 Timothy 2:13). Meaning, God will never fail anyone one who choose Him over their sin. He will always provide us what we need, at the time when we need it to overcome any challenges or temptations. But Mrs. Cottrell has failed to teach such Bible truths to those who lives she has touched. Nor does she rightfully help them to identify the true villains - Satan the devil and in some cases, themselves. Instead, her teachings indirectly, and maybe in some cases directly, apply and points accountability for such failures upon God, and not Satan. She does not teach and prepare the hearts of those she encourages about the traps that Satan sets for them so that they might continuously fall prey to their sexual impulses such as homosexuality. She does not redirect them to look into their own lives for contributing factors that have led them to their life choice. Or, their own unwillingness to beat their flesh into submission (to restrain and disciple themselves). The real enemy is Satan the devil or one's own self-centeredness, but not God. It is the devil or one's own selfishness (pride) that causes those who are unable to obtain their victory over the demise of homosexuality. Just as he attempted to tempt Jesus. Satan sets similar traps and plots for victims of homosexuality.
The methodology in the perspective Mrs. Cottrell teaches has led some to believe that God is
Padre Ismael Ojeda |
limited. God is incapable of meeting their needs. God is powerless. God is to blame for their shortcomings. Which in turn glorifies Satan and his power. His abilities. Elevating Satan over God. When anyone limits God, directly or indirectly, they apply that He is incapable of doing a thing, without honestly factoring in the root cause of sin - Satan and his forces of demons and man's unwillingness to hold themselves accountable for the own failures. As a result, we marginalize God's power, glory, and greatness.
God is God! He is the King of Kings. He is POWERFUL. He is GLORY. He is UNLIMITED. He is CAPABLE of doing anything (Mark 10:27). And despite His greatness, He wants to give us everything our hearts' desire (Psalm 37:4). But we must
- Flee from the devil (James 4:7; 1 Corinthians 6:18-20; 1 Peter 5:8-11)
- Take ownership for our sins and beat our flesh into submission (James 1:14; 2 Corinthians 12:8-10)
- Submit to God (James 4:7; 1 Corinthians 10:13)
- Repent whenever we fall short (2 Chronicles 7:14; 1 John 1:9)
- Hold yourself accountable (2 Corinthians 13:5)
- Recognize where the root of sin lies (Romans 1:18-32)
- And STOP BLAMING God for OUR sins and face your own truth
Owoce Kali |
We must learn to deny our bodies what it wants and craves. For it is not God who can be blamed for our failures and plummet into sin.
But God is a God who can read one's heart and knows and understands the true motivates when one has chosen to step in the wrong direction. God is a forgiving God. That despite our errors, He invites us back into His bosom, dusts us off and helps to redirect our steps. The Father sees Mrs. Cottrell's heart and has sympathy and love for her. I would love to one day for her and I to be able to do cartwheels together in celebrating the victories of those we have helped to overcome the spirit of homosexuality.
Until then, the Father is standing at her door knocking. Searching her heart once again as He speaks to her in a gentle tone. Repent! Repent! Before your time runs out.
Alison - Greater Good Photography |
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