Sunday, July 13, 2014

I Have Committed a Crime

It is a sin I was told. Hmm, I pause for a minute as I gave thought to those eerie words. A sin. How does it make me feel? Well, a friend of mine often jokes about making difficult decisions by saying, “Pick your poison”. As I ponder over this matter in my mind, I realized that we all are sinners. There is no way around it. Some of us sin more than others. Either way, God has delivered this evil spell upon all of us due to our first parents’ lack of commitment and devotion. I did not choose this way of living. Rather, it encroached its ugliest upon me and gave birth to my imperfect soul, while imprisoning me into a lifelong string of crime. But have we not all have been sentenced to the same offense? I pause for a second and laughed on the inside, which I am sure, it reflected itself as my lips start to curve as I looked into her eyes.

Continuing with my thoughts, I say to myself, some habits I am able to fight off. Others, I revisit from time to time. Yet, according to this woman, I have committed a crime. But what she fails to realize is that it is my crime, which I have not opposed upon her. Either way, it's my crime. Whether its engraved in my heart in such a way that I have no control over it. Or, it’s a choice, which I cannot resist the temptation from craving for it. It is still my poison, my crime.

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