Thursday, July 24, 2014

Petals Have Fallen

All your petals have fallen
Left you lumped and broken hearted
Like Niagara Falls your tears are calling
For a place of shade
Someone to come to your aide

Here I stand
Partly fade
Unsure of what to say
But I stay
To catch the floodgates of your tears
To catch all your fears
Your doubts
And cast them in the biosphere
So my dear

Rest your head upon my heart
And don't depart
For you know true love can heal any broken heart

No I can't replace
Or even erase those loving faces
But, if you continue to embrace
And lean on me to help, end your emotional race
And taste
Yes, taste my loving grace

Thursday, July 17, 2014

See the Top of the Hill

When you peek through a window, there are many visions you will see.

Some will bring blessings from the skies

While others are rivers flooding one’s eyes.

They both are needed in order to build character and flair,

Either way, one has to learn to take care.

To groom, blossom and grow

Find their way to the other side of the hill where dandelion, rose petals and wildflowers grow.

So I wait.

I wait as my activities flourish through the valley below.

To determine how my heart should flow.

To climb what appears to be an endless hill,

With no tools to assist or shade to conceal.

But I smile.

Yes, I smile.


Because I can see the top of the hill.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Find A Way

Being strong for two is not easy
When one’s heart is filled with anxiety
Feeling empty
So let's just try to breathe
So I breathe
Wondering how you can relieve
My love how do I set your spirit free
I’m trying to love you passionately
But it seems not enough for thee due to your anxiety
So I stand here quietly hoping you will see
The solution stands before thee
Lost, fear and anxieties is what life brings from time to time
Logic can’t heal a broken wing, only time
So I cover your broken soul
In hopes I’m able to console
And help you feel whole
But I feel you are miles away
Its draining me to see you this way
So I pray
For the strength everyday
I know you are wasting away
And I can’t find the right words to say to make it all go away
I do realize not even my love is enough to make you feel ok
So what’s left for me to say
For no words will make your pain disappear or make this situation go away
So we are here
And together with God as our strength, with family and friends by your side, we will find a way.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

I Have Committed a Crime

It is a sin I was told. Hmm, I pause for a minute as I gave thought to those eerie words. A sin. How does it make me feel? Well, a friend of mine often jokes about making difficult decisions by saying, “Pick your poison”. As I ponder over this matter in my mind, I realized that we all are sinners. There is no way around it. Some of us sin more than others. Either way, God has delivered this evil spell upon all of us due to our first parents’ lack of commitment and devotion. I did not choose this way of living. Rather, it encroached its ugliest upon me and gave birth to my imperfect soul, while imprisoning me into a lifelong string of crime. But have we not all have been sentenced to the same offense? I pause for a second and laughed on the inside, which I am sure, it reflected itself as my lips start to curve as I looked into her eyes.

Continuing with my thoughts, I say to myself, some habits I am able to fight off. Others, I revisit from time to time. Yet, according to this woman, I have committed a crime. But what she fails to realize is that it is my crime, which I have not opposed upon her. Either way, it's my crime. Whether its engraved in my heart in such a way that I have no control over it. Or, it’s a choice, which I cannot resist the temptation from craving for it. It is still my poison, my crime.