Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Meeting with my Pen

“You’re a monster with words” is how one scriber described my writing style.

With a pen as my sword, I speak with conviction, boldness and power leaving those who read the lacing of my words wondering, “HOW?”

How is it that I excite and entertain my readers’ mind, with a parallel of words that are endless in time?

It is with great passion that I indulge myself with an abundance of words, which I enjoy making love to constantly.

Yes, it is sure excitement that I gain as the tip of my pen touches the very fiber of my skin, causing not only me, but also my readers to exclaim, “MORE, Por favor dar me más! GIVE ME MORE.”

Nothing can be more exuberating than feeding and educating a mind through a poetic way of self-expression.

So don’t be offended! If my pen begins to focus on you, because its ultimate goal is only to spill truth and release every demons from its hiding booth because my pen only know how to speak underlining truth.

If your foolish mind starts to contemplate and even dear to challenge my pen’s path – WATCH OUT! Because you will meet your dear end, at the very click of my pen, for the foolish lies that you spread in order to puff up your own head.

I will take you in a single blow; pluck you out until there is no more. Shred your vicious lies and plant them so they all can see what you really mean to me.

A position of power does not make you a man, for when your day comes, you will quiver like quick sand, in the palms of my hand.

So this your warning, think twice before you decide to do me, or there will be a meeting of us three, that’s you, my pen and me.

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