Monday, February 5, 2018

Transgender - A Great Interview by Focus on the Family

Great interview about Transgender by Focus on the Family. Hosted by Jim Daly & John Fuller. Guest Linda Seiler.

Excerpt: "I despised and hated my body. I hated everything with the world of woman. I just rejected it completely. - Linda

"Thinking about it as an adult, why do you think that was happening? What was causing that rejection at the very core?" - Jim

"Well, the way God designs our families to operate, he intently made us male and female... gives us a mother and a father. The role of the parents is to call us into the role of who God created us to be is very important. But if something happens and there is a breakdown somehow, that can affect the development in our soul. In our mind, will and emotions.... That can ultimately affect your sexuality, your sexual development.... - Linda

To listen, visit click here.