Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Redemptive Love

I have been spending some time interviewing different experts in the social science field as I am writing my second edition book. In addition to interviewing professional experts, I have been reading a lot of historical material relating to scientific case studies and experiments done by medical professionals, scientists, and some government agencies, concerning their ongoing search to find and confirm some biological, genetic or hereditary link or proof of the gay gene theory. Some of the content is really inhumane.

But, as I read and research and write in my book, my goal is to do so with no biases. Knowing that we all have been created by God with FREE WILL to choose (Deuteronomy 30:19; Joshua 24:15). We have a divine right to accept the truth or reject it. That is our Godly privilege – our birth right.

I will admit, I have made some bad choices over my lifetime. But, I have recouped from them
Photo CR: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
because of four factors – giving the time I needed, maturity, and God’s love and patience. As a result, I have grabbed hold and claimed my redemption through Jesus’ shredded blood.

But, it saddens me to see that too many of us can’t see the power of love. Divine love that when given enough time, it will do what is impossible (1 Corinthians 3:6-9; Mark 10:27). All we have to do is consistently show the REDEMPTIVE LOVE OF CHRIST. And allow time to take its course. But, unconsciously, many of us believe that Christ is not enough and therefore, try to force our judgmental views on what we feel people should be doing now.

Yes, time is short, but in dealing with others, there is still a process that we can’t ignore nor speed up. Christ has the power and the love we all need to overcome any sinful challenges. All we have to do is be receptive, and show them the way to the well. Fed them. Invite them. Clothed them. Take care of them. Visit with them. Include them, not exclude them. (Matthew 25:35-36). These simple Bible principle at Matthew 25 can be applied to all walks of life. Whether you are my brother or sister in the faith. Agnostics. Atheist. Homosexual, or whoever or whatever you believe. Love is the redemptive power that we all need. Mercy is the redemptive power that we all need. Grace is the redemptive power that we all need.

Jesus was inclusive concerning all. And he showered many with an abundance of love, grace, and mercy. I’m just not sure how we have gotten so far from such a simple and practical Bible principle (Matthew 25:35-36; John 13:34-35; 1 Peter 4:8; 1 Corinthian 16:14; Matthew 22:39-40). LORD, have mercy on us, the Church.  

Monday, August 28, 2017

Worship Before Work

Worship is an essential part of everything we do. Before work. During work. Before taking on any project. While working individually or working collectively. WE MUST WORSHIP! We must praise and thank the One who gave us the ability to work with our hands, who gifted us with our talents for the sole purpose to worship him.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

An anonymous person asked... how did you get to this point?

An anonymous person asked this question concerning my deliverance from homosexuality.

"How did you get to this point"?

To answer that question is not as simple as you think. Instead of writing a long blog about how I did get to this point in my life. I thought it would be easier if I shared this excerpt from one of my recent talking points.

Monday, August 14, 2017

The Beautiful Whispers of a Father

Resurrected! Resurrected is what I kept hearing in my spirit as I moved around in my office worshipping to shift the atmosphere. I felt an urging to look up the word “resurrected” in the Webster dictionary. The second definition leaped off the page as I read it. “To bring to view, attention or use again.”

Then my mind started to be flooded with my thoughts and images and I heard this beautiful voice of glory charmed in to speak.
“When you die to self in order to do my will, you discovered a new fulfilling way to live – that is to live in the Spirit. 
Princess Warriors Reign Real
There you found your peace because you no longer live for self, which looks out for one’s own will and desire. But the Spirit changes you from the inside out. Causing everything within you and around you to change. To bend. To yield. To shift. To be convicted. Because you have become a new person in Christ. The old you no longer exist.” 
Then, he takes me to Romans 7:6 and 2 Corinthians 5:17.

My spirit confirmed, agreed with what I read. For there is a level of peace within me that I can’t explain. Peace has become dominion – my dwelling place. He, meaning Christ, has written prosperity upon my forehead, for everything I touch turns to gold. It must prosper. He engraved surrender upon my heart because I have given my heart only to him. He calls me his queen, for he has elevated me to heights I could never have dream on my own. He calls me DESIRED because while so many have rejected me, he has proclaimed my name throughout the entire earth as well as within the walls of the heavens gates.
When you just stop and take a moment just to worship him. Oh my God, the most beautiful things he says to you. He just fills you up in ways that no man can fill you. Nothing like this you can be experienced on earth. There is just nothing like the way this God loves us when we open ourselves up to him and just WORSHIP. Oh, the beautiful whispers of a Father to his daughter.

Greg Olsen

Sunday, August 13, 2017

"... Admit it, quit it and forget it...."

Some people think, when you open the door to a certain sin, and then overcome it, that you are completely free from that sin. Well, i guess that's possible for a selective few.

But, it's been my experienced, even after not having any activity with a certain sin that this flesh rears up every once in a while. Does that mean I'm still controlled by my sinful desires? NOPE! It only means I have opened myself up to a temptation, which resulted in me training my flesh to like and... in some cases, to desire or become addictive to a specific sin. So when I retrain my flesh to stop participating and enjoying certain pleasures, like sex, in particular homosexuality, my flesh will from time to time crave what I have rejected. Why? Because the flesh, the sin that I have opened myself to, will crave to do what is contrary to what is right (Romans 7:14-25).

That is why I have to beat my flesh into submission in order to do what's right (1 Corinthians 9:27). In other words, just say NO!

JUST BECAUSE I DESIRE SOMETHING, DOESN'T MAKE IT WHO I AM, OR MAKE IT RIGHT. The nature, or the desire of sin still equals to sin. So just say no. As Jesse Duplantis once said, "... admit it, quit it and forget it." That's right. Say no and move on.