Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Satan Causing Dissension Between the Church and the LGBT Community

To all my FRIENDS, yes, FRIENDS that are part of the LGBT community on my Facebook page, I would like to say - GOD LOVES YOU. Please do not allow the dust that ...Satan is kicking in the air, to cause dissension between you and the Church be what causes you to continue to take steps away from God. One scripture, I held onto during my season of anger toward God, especially during the time I was in the life you are living, was 2 Peter 3:9. That scripture helped me to remember that God is patient. He does not wish death for anyone. But, what He does want is for ALL of us to repent from our sins so we can have life. A life full peace, love and happiness.

Please, please, please, do not allow the words of people draw you away from God. Instead, draw closer to God, and He will respond with love (James 4:8; 1 John 4:8). Remember, God sent His Son to this earth to die for YOU (John 3:16).

Believe me, I know stuff like this is frustrating. We all, are working so hard to bring God's kingdom here to the earth to give some of you hope and hopefully a way out for those who are desiring a way out. It is incidents like this that can be a setback emotionally and spiritually, but don't allow these kinds of things prevent you from moving closer to God. God is about to do a powerful transformation for many of you in your life. Remember, Satan will not allow you to walk away into the arms of God that easily. He will purposely stir up negative thoughts, emotions and words on both sides. Don't fall prey to it. Please stay focus and on track of what God is doing in your life. Remember, God is love.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

MY CHRISTIAN BROTHERS AND SISTERS - Walk As Christ Did Toward The Unsaved (1 John 2:1-6)

For a long time, I have remained silent concerning comments that have been made by some of my Brothers and Sisters in the faith,when they speak fiery words of chastisement toward the LGBT community, and their lifestyle. Primarily because God had sealed my lips and forbidden me to speak. Instead, He instructed me to watch and listen. But this morning, He awakens me out of my sleep and called me to our meeting place. He whispered His stresses upon my heart. He spoke firmly and clearly concerning the speech of some of His children toward the gay and lesbian community. And then He took me to Jeremiah 1:9.

Then the Lord put forth his hand, and touched my mouth. And the Lord said unto me, Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth.

When we speak in order to teach or defend the TRUTH; or, to show someone that their decision or lifestyle choice does not please God, our words should reflect the Holy One who we represent. Paul provided us, Believers, Christians, such practical application when dealing with such sensitive matters as the lifestyle of those in the LGBT community. At Colossians 4:5, Paul spoke of the Colossiansevangelistic duties. In this scene, he talked about the importance of Christians walking in wisdomin relations toward them. Who is them? Those who are not living up to Bible principles, whom Paul often referred to as unbelievers. Because they are not living according to the TRUTH. Therefore, Gods words labeled them as unbelievers.



Paul goes on to show that it is more valuable for Christians to seize every opportunity they have –every private or public speaking engagement, to display wise behavior toward the unsaved and to use that opportunity as a chance to give a witness for Christ.

Paul does not walk away and just leave it there. He explains how this should be done. At Colossians 4:6, he says
Let your speech be always with

I can give an entire lecture about what grace should look and sound like. This same grace relates to our speech being seasoned with salt. Christians should know this based on our studies of the Scriptures.

My Christian Brothers and Sisters, we have to remember when God called Jeremiah to ministry. One of the first things God did to Jeremiah was cleansed his mouth. Why was this so significant? Because it was from that point forward that Jeremiah would be God’s spokesman on the earth (Jeremiah 1:7). Every word Jeremiah would utter would come directly from God’s heavenly throne as God directed Jeremiah to speak.

Yes, as Christians, we are to stand up for TRUTH and speak up against injustices and sins that dominates our world today. BUT, AS GOD DIRECTS. NOT AS WE PLEASE.


For when I once lived that lifestyle, I did not need anyone to tell me it was wrong. I KNEW THAT! And I certainly did not need anyone to dehumanize me by talking about what acts I did in my bedroom. That was not going to help me to become liberated from my sins.

I needed someone to point me to a better way of living that would bring about love and peace in my life. That God has something better for me if I give Him a chance to show me. That it would require patience on my part as God takes me through processes to heal my brokenness from my past, which led me to my current plight (lifestyle choice). That God, through His people, the Body of Christ, can teach me to love myself. But, how can the Body of Christ succeed, at what they are called to do with grace, and mercy and love, if we fail to focus our energy on these kinds of things that God has taught us through His word – grace, love and mercy (1 Corinthians 13:13).

I am not trying to be cruel in what I am about to say, but when we speak words that God HAS NOT directed us to say, that is abrasive and even offensive, God spoke these words to His prophet as it relates to false prophets.

Disclaimer: I am not calling anyone a false prophet by this next statement. That is not my place in this situation. I am merely making a point that God does not want His servants to miss.

Jeremiah 23:16 Thus says the LORD of hosts: “Do not listen to these words of the prophets who prophesy to you, filling you with vain hopes. They speak visions of their own minds, NOT FROM THE MOUTH OF THE LORD.

Elijah-Marie Reid