Saturday, April 11, 2015

As I write these words, I know, there will be some who will privately and maybe publicly, criticize my message. But that is ok. For my due diligence is to God and not to man.

It breaks my heart to see some Christians showing a lack of Christ-like love to all of God’s creatures in their actions and or deeds. We either shout from the mountaintop about the sins of other Christians or unbelievers with callousness. Or, we quietly retract and look on, choosing not to lovingly interfere or intervene by showing our Christian brothers or sisters from the scriptures the error of their way.

I am learning, as God is molding me as His instrument, when to sit still and when to sound the trumpet. A trumpet is sometimes used in the Bible as a supernatural accompaniment of divine interpositions [(i.e. intervene between parties), 1 Corinthians 14:1-8; Hebrews 14:1-19].

On behalf of my Christian brothers and sisters, our broken and unjust political system, unbelievers and those who claims to be Christians, but are not living according to God’s word, I pray that God intervene on all our behalf so that this madness we are all creating will stop. 

As Christians, we are called:
  1. To love all people and show all dignity and respect in the process (Matthew 28:16-20; Ephesians 4:1,2; Matthew 7:1-6; Genesis 1:27; Acts 10:34; John 3:16). And through our action of love, many can be won to or back to Christ.
  2. To be salt and light bearers to a dying world (Matthew 5:13-16). 

Instead, some of us have become no different in our actions like some police officers that have callously and unjustly murdered unarmed children and adults. Yes, we are not running around with loaded pistols on our hips. But, some of us are running around with the label of Christians embroidered on our chest, our Bibles on our hip and our tongues as a weapon for the purpose of destroying and killing potential sheep.

I am pleading with the body of Christ to pray, repent and reacquaint ourselves with John 2. As Christians, we need to look closer at the significance of this first miracle that Jesus performed – turning water into wine.
  • That water, prior to turning into wine, represented the old way of doing things – the old system as Jesus’ disciple knew it, which was based on old rituals, traditions, systems, perspectives and practices.
  • When Jesus turned that water into wine, the process he used, represented changes that Jesus was implementing – ushering in a new way that would bring about a better way of living and satisfaction. 

Garden of Praise, Gospel Services Inc.
Jesus was ushering in a new era, a new system, a new practice, a new way to serve the people. He was establishing that Christians were expected to serve people in a way that would improve their lives, their lot in life. Just as the water that Jesus converted to wine turned out to be the best tasting wine of all that was served, so too our words, actions and deeds (John 2:10).

As Christians, is our response to our political and social ills today in harmony with this new way of serving people as Jesus taught his disciples? Are we leaving a bitter taste in the mouths of people through our words, actions and deeds? Or, is our response a reflection of the God we serve in that we leave a taste that is as sweet as the wine Jesus converted from water at the Cana wedding in Galilee?